How EDR Gartner Can Help You Protect Your Digital Assets and Meet Compliance Requirements?

EDR tools enable security teams to quickly identify malware attacks by analyzing system behavior. They also automate remediation for increased efficiency so security teams can focus on other threats instead.

EDR buyers should carefully consider whether guided investigation features will assist them in studying threats and determining their root causes. Such workflows may incorporate machine learning techniques highlighting details like frequency or timing that humans might miss.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Since attacks are becoming faster and harder to detect, EDR can provide invaluable visibility into how threats move across your network and protect digital assets while fulfilling compliance requirements.

Integrating endpoint detection and response with security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) tools provides advanced threat detection and rapid incident response. The solution typically runs on endpoints to collect file activity data for analysis at a central repository before applying machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), advanced analytic techniques, or machine learning to identify malicious patterns; additionally, it searches for threats that evade signature-based antivirus/firewall solutions.

edr gartner

Intelligence helps you detect malware, ransomware, and other types of attacks quickly and accurately. Furthermore, EDR solutions allow you to investigate where and when these threats originated and their sources and paths through your network – such as which files they targeted and how far they spread. EDR solutions may respond by automatically quarantining those files or alerting security teams with an alert so they may investigate further.

Visibility can help mitigate the damage of an attack by quickly detecting and neutralizing threats, minimizing damage and downtime by speeding recovery timeframes and pinpointing the root cause of incidents to make changes and prevent future incidents.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

SIEM solutions ingest and analyze huge volumes of security data in real time to detect threats that would otherwise go undetected. By correlating information from firewalls, servers, applications, and IT systems such as cloud and SaaS services with intelligence gathered from them -, SIEM provides visibility into enterprise infrastructure in real-time, allowing IT staff to identify risk and respond promptly and quickly.

Before correlating these events for patterns and anomalies, SIEM solutions typically collect and aggregate event logs from server environments, network devices, security tools, authentication and authorization systems, endpoints, public/private clouds, and third-party services. IT teams can then prioritize alerts by prioritizing high-risk incidents before offloading low-risk ones to automated response processes.

An effective SIEM solution helps IT staff demonstrate compliance with industry and governmental regulations, reduce manual effort associated with threat detection and response, and better allocate IT personnel resources. A good SIEM tool also provides a central dashboard that displays the security status of business services relevant to lines of business, further allowing staff to quickly determine severity, identify those responsible, and define immediate steps for remediation and escalation as soon as an incident occurs.

Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence solutions are information technology tools designed to give businesses insight into the types of attacks and threats affecting them while helping security teams make data-backed decisions to strengthen defenses and mitigate risk.

Threat intelligence solutions help your team gain in-depth knowledge and analysis of their adversaries by providing targeted, in-depth data and research on their behaviors, such as tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), vulnerabilities, and indicators of compromise. With this intelligence at their fingertips, your team can prioritize vulnerabilities most likely exploited by bad actors while shifting away from a reactive response toward proactive prevention.

Effective threat intelligence solutions require an organized process that efficiently funnels raw threat data into an organized format for use by automated security tools and human analysts. This means aggregating intelligence feeds from internal, open, and dark web sources, integrating them into SIEM, and filtering relevant information before filtering for relevancy.

Dissemination is the final stage of threat intelligence management and distribution. This can involve sending reports directly to an audience or sharing threat intelligence among partners as part of an overall risk mitigation strategy. A threat intelligence platform can also help communicate an attack’s effects or new types of threats with non-technical business leaders so that they prioritize investments in cybersecurity accordingly.

Advanced Threat Detection

Security teams require advanced threat detection solutions as sophisticated attackers circumvent signature-based detection mechanisms. Such tools use methods like sandboxing, behavior analysis, and virtual machine monitoring to isolate suspicious files for evaluation without risk to other network parts. By comparing network activity against an established baseline, these tools can identify unusual patterns that indicate active infections on a dynamic network.

Advanced threat detection solutions are designed to shield endpoints from sophisticated cyber threats like phishing, exploits, ransomware, and fileless attacks by blocking these malicious activities and limiting attack execution. This helps minimize data breach risk while keeping sensitive information safe from cyberattacks.

ATP solutions also provide context to alert security teams of real threats, helping reduce alert fatigue by prioritizing, investigating, and verifying alerts to focus security teams on responding only to serious threats – protecting organizations from devastating damages.

Hackercombat’s XDR solution offers a holistic, comprehensive approach to detecting and responding to threats across your entire network. Leveraging threat intelligence and artificial intelligence technology, our solution helps customers detect advanced threats while providing visibility, incident management, and automated root cause analysis as a managed service. By helping prevent successful cyberattacks while simplifying and strengthening security processes, we enable them to improve customer satisfaction while speeding up their digital transformation initiatives.

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